Here are Eddie "The Old Philosopher" Lawrence's two DJ Philosopher songs, providing a glimpse into the radio nightmares of commercial jocks of the 1950's.
My own radio nightmares are firmly rooted in the analog era - having ten seconds left on a track with nothing else cued up, scrambling to find another record to play, and that moment of having ten seconds to go stretches out to an eternity.
Digital DJ'ing allows reality to exceed anything my sleeping imagination could cook up. A few years ago, I was DJ'ing during WFMU's RNC Remix. I had no records pulled at all - I was DJ'ing exclusively with MP3s that night, using the DJ program Traktor. At about about the halfway mark of the show, some of my MP3s stopped playing. As I started looking over my playlist of 150 tracks, they all started disappearing before my very eyes. Unknown to me, someone in another room was moving the entire MP3 library, vaporizing the tracks I had pulled and prepared for my show.
Give me going to school naked anyday.
The DJ Philosopher (MP3)
The DJ Philosopher Returns (MP3)
Thanks to Joe S. for Part Two!
That's the exact same DJ nightmare I have -- and I've been off the air for more than six years.
Posted by: mike | April 27, 2006 at 04:15 PM
I started having the "dead air and no song ready to play" dream when I started, but I never mentioned it to anyone. Then another DJ at my station asked me if I had a dream like that. I said yes, and so did the five other DJs standing around us. Turns out, it's pretty much universal.
Jon, "The Rock & Roll Clubhouse", KRFC Fort Collins
Posted by: Brother JB | April 27, 2006 at 04:31 PM
What do you mean by "dream"? It happens. And cueing up something in a rush, and then discovering that it is called "Motherfucker Dub", with no other music at hand. I always liked having PSA, Promo, or Legal ID carts on the computer for such an occasion. Or an EAS test due. Actually no, I never liked the EAS tests.
Posted by: Lukas | April 27, 2006 at 10:40 PM
I love how the band keeps cracking up in "The DJ Philosopher"!
Posted by: furrball | February 16, 2013 at 06:12 PM