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April 05, 2006


James OToole

Thank you for posting this. I'm listening now and loving every mad minute.


Amazing. Two comments on the callers:

* Is that Jeff F. himself making the connection between "Funeral Home" and "Cadillac Ranch?"

* Maria, who calls Daniel a "hell" of a genius and later accompanies him on guitar and flute, was a subscriber to my old zine and an acquaintance of sorts. One of those people whom I haven't seen in a good decade and a half.


i remember listening to this driving back to morristown from poughkeepsie (take that, driveway moments!). quite a remarkable thing, even now.


neat! daniel you're genius


neat! daniel you're genius


This is a very old post as I'm writing this, so I don't know that much of anybody will read it, but was anyone else disappointed that there's nothing in the actual movie about WFMU? The station and TS get a thanks near the end of the closing creds, but with DJ doing his Casper performance, who's watching the credits? Where was even a single mention of the role FMU played in enlarging Johnston's legend?

Dave Kearney

Time warp insanity flash-back recall for me! I was dating a girl that lived in Nyack, NY in 1990 and listened to this program durring many of my commutes as I came up the NJTP & GSP. I heard this program live and was so enthralled that I had to pull over for fear of losing the signal as I left the area.

It was a long ride and good music was hard to find. I had to re-tune three times on my trip from Philly to keep my sanity: WKDU 91.7 (Drexel U Philly), WKDU 103.3 (Princeton) and finnaly WFMU.

cowford mind destruction

Yeah, why isn't wfmu in that documentary !?!?!

a girl

it's in the special features of the DVD

I thought the person asking about the Springsteen song sounded a lot like Calvin Johnson


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