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April 05, 2006


Henry Lowengard

These tasteful costumes put me in mind of THE YES MEN's prank in Tampere, Finland, featuring a golden jumpsuit with an inflatable phallus:

fatty jubbo

wow- that's brilliant...almost like a Costes performance. I don't want to know what they are yammering about- it would take away the weird abstract comedy of it.

nh dave

All I can say is a) thank god for pixelated video b) imagine what the FCC fine for this would be!


Just leaves the mystery of the surroundings the picture was taken in... It looks to me they just stept out of the cupboard.
Descent exposure if you ask me. They look magnetically uncomfortable being strapped by their essence, even forgetting you are not able to separate North and South at any time.

scott in tokyo

This skit is about the "chikan" problem here in Japan where perverted men take advantage of the crowded train/subway situation and let their hands stray and or grope. There is a pretty big PR campaign on the trains these days to try and cut down this behaviour, from putting posters all over the place saying "chikan wa akan!" (chikan is not allowed!) to having "women only" cars on the trains. It seems what this skit is trying to do is offer a public service announcement about "chikan" while making a joke at the same time.

Granted, it is insane and largely incomprehensible. Meaning awesome, of course.

Joshua Moore

Where could I buy one of those?

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