When Monica alerted us all to this 100% unretouched picture of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I knew that I had seen part of it before. It wasn't Mahmoud's Steve-Martin-like attire, it wasn't that bank of microphones so familiar to me from my under-attended press conferences here at WFMU. No, it was the orb rising up behind Ahmadinejad's head. This is the exact same orb that provided the magnetic force which powered Mose's parting of the red sea, as shown in the 100% unretouched
photograph shown on the right. (I cropped the orb out of the photo for our collective safety.) And it is the exact same orb that
appears in the kabbalah image below.
So if our extraterrestrial overlords are pulling the strings on all three of the world's major religions, why can't we all get along? My theory (now proven) is that the shape-shifting reptiles are twisting our normal perception of reality to their own ends.
Want proof? You got it. Monarca, the artist behind the Red Sea image at right, was recently giving a radio interview on the matter of UFOs relation to The
Bible when the reptoid humanoids twisted her words around. First off, here is
Monarca's wonderful Bible and UFOs website, which contain many of her well-documented photographs of the biblical era. And here are the backmasked excerpts of her radio interview in which the reptilian humanoids (Annunakis, no doubt) slither around her larynx and force words out of her mouth which belie their true motives.
If you want more gloriously unretouched photographs of UFOs and their relation to the funky western civilization, go here.
That parting of the Red Sea picture's incongruity looks less like an orb than like the alien probe from "Star Trek IV". Now it can be told: The Exodus was more for the benefit of humpbacked whales than for the Jews. Glad that's been cleared up.
Posted by: vjb2 | April 25, 2006 at 05:31 PM
Where is the evil bert?
There was a great show I saw a few years ago called Secret Rulers of the World ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433314/ ) which went deep into the david icke and alex jones reptile theories. Interesting stuff although about as believable as most conspiracies.
Posted by: nh_dave | April 26, 2006 at 11:08 AM