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May 30, 2006


Dan Willems

Count me "in" for the recordings. More to follow.
Louisville, KY, USA

Billy K

You should start a separate blog for this.


Hi Professor,

9525 is Dutch. It's a report on the Pope visiting Poland. Hence the background.
WTJC was absolutely great!

Warm thank you from the Netherlands.


I still have an old Radio Shack TRF (Tuned RF stage) long-range AM radio. I always tweaked every radio I had to add SW 160 meter Ham band to it. Easy to do, just twist the tiny screws on the tuning 'box' to move the dial downward (you'll pick up AM 1200 on the spot marked 1100 on the dial). Go to the top of the band and find Ham's at 1800 kHz. One of the setscrews is major tuning, one is minor, and both only go one revolution (it's a trimmer capacitor).
From Detroit, we used to routinely listen to WLS and WCFL in Chicago, CHUM in Toronto, and stations in Cleveland, New York and St Louis. I picked up Hams in Washington DC and Louisiana.
You can extend the range of any AM radio by stringing a wire up (outside walls are better, outside the building is better yet but then you get into lightning protection). I used the drapery rod to hold a piece of thin 'magnet' wire (used for electromagnets - 36 or 40 ga.) and just wrap one end around the radio a few turns for 'electromagnetic coupling'.
BTW, the trimmer capacitor trick works to improve any radio.

Brad the Impaler

Funny you should mention this... I used to DX the AM broadcast band when I was in my early teens... in fact I still have some of the old newsletters from the International Radio Club of America (IRCA) from back then. Scans are available for the asking. These would be from the early 1970s.

I also have some off-air recordings of shortwave pirate stations posted on my website (, you're free to link to them or copy them for your own amusement (just please credit where you got 'em... thanks).

I monitor the shortwave spectrum a lot, but being in Denver, the AM band is kinda clogged up for me... but if I go out into the tooleydickles, where the band is clearer, the night time is the right time! I'll bring some kind of recording gear on my next field trip into the boonies, so I can get you some DX from the other half of the US of A.


I have a shortwave weblog where I try to post reception reports on a monthly basis. Most of my receptions are in the shortwave band (3-30 mhz) but in April I logged a number of AM (mediumwave) stations. My weblog URL is entered into the URL field, or you can go to my featured articles page to easily find the reception report pages:

I like the "adventures in amplitude modulation" posts, and I added a link to it!

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