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May 02, 2006



The networks' legal action is entirely justified, because the FCC must be brought to task for its inconsistent (and some may argue, selective) enforcement of its own murky definition of indecency. How is it that stations airing "Without A Trace" and "The Blues: Godfathers and Sons" get fined, but stations that air Oprah Winfrey and "Saving Private Ryan" don't?

The answer is that an FCC decision to fine a TV station is every bit as subjective as the TV viewing decisions that are made by parents and individuals in 110 million U.S. TV households. What makes the FCC's fines even more unnecessary and undesirable? The fact that parents and individuals already have the ratings and content-blocking devices that are necessary to make and enforce their own TV viewing decisions.

Don't let the government decide what you can watch on TV. Visit TV Watch at for a common-sense voice of reason in this debate.

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