I can't tell you how delighted I was to come back from vacation
to find that the thermonuclear device I ordered had arrived. The ultimate weapon will certainly come in handy around here. For instance, to convince certain tardy DJs
to hand in their premium masters. Ahem.
That reminds me - to all the listeners out there who have sent in thermonuclear devices (and 2006 Marathon pledge payments) -- your swag is coming soon! If you haven't received yours yet, you should be receiving it by the end of June. Mouse of Today pledgers will be getting their premiums a bit later this summer, most likely starting in July. I hope we will wrap up the majority of swag mailing for 2006 by late summer. If you have questions about your stuff in particular, please drop me a line. And big thanks to everyone who came through for WFMU this year. Your support is the fuel that keeps the Freeform Furnace burning hotter than a hundred Thermonuclear Devices.
Re, THERMONUCLEAR: slow-motion thermonuclear generator blog link: http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/west-coast-kelp-forest-ecosystems-at-risk-10828.html
Re: Mutual Information Exchange of Construction Details/Information.
I wish to make contact with anybody else who is constructing a working model of "slow-motion thermonuclear generator." LJ
Posted by: longjohn | July 03, 2006 at 12:42 PM