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June 27, 2006



The station on 9865 is technically not VOA, although it is funded and run by the same government organization that funds VOA and transmitted over the same transmitters. I heard a clear Radio Farda ID in there. Radio Farda is the Radio Free Europe-inspired station aimed at Iran, and broadcasts pop music and brief news bulletins in Farsi. Congress has continually chipped away at the VOA to fund these single-purpose stations that don't have to live up to the high standards of the VOA Charter. VOA no longer broadcasts in Arabic, for example, that function having been taken over by Radio Sawa, which broadcasts mostly a mix of Arabic and Western pop music with brief rip-and-read style news broadcasts. Radio Farda does the same in Farsi for Iran, and VOA no longer broadcasts in Farsi as a result.

We no longer attempt to broadcast the kind of programs VOA produces, which explore and explain America and its culture to the rest of the world, to these very important target areas. People talk about how Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty helped win the Cold War, but what they forget is that RFE/RL's surrogate home service approach was complemented by VOA's reputation for impartial and objective information. No longer.


The stations on 9805 - 9855 and 9865 are not in arabic, and certainly not moroccan Darija or tamazight. it sounds Farsi.

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would not know more about the segements and meter bands, but i guess mp3 is good enough for me!
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