As you may have heard by now, Orrin Hatch's (R-UT) proposed Constitutional amendment that would outlaw the burning of the American flag failed to gather the necessary votes in the U.S. Senate, once again shuttling this limp issue away until it becomes politically convenient again. The undeterred Hatch, sounding like the co-star in some upcoming Rocky sequel, has vowed to push blindly ever onward in his quest for unprecedented tokenism. ("For the stars and stripes, I will not give up, and I will not surrender", he dramatically declared.) He also insists that a Constitutional amendment that would outlaw flag burning IS, in fact, "the most important thing the Senate could be doing." [Link to Video]
The fact that the proposal was defeated by only one vote (no thanks to California's often bewildering Democrat Diane Feinstein) is disturbing, however, and it got me thinking of comedian Bill Hicks' infamous rant about flag burning from years back. Hicks' words resonate strongly in the current political climate, and for today's review, I've remixed the classic monologue with some strident guitar jams courtesy of the one and only Government Issue, the results of which I humbly offer to you now. [Download MP3]
Further facts to depress and enlighten: Bill Hicks died of pancreatic cancer years ago. Buy his CDs here. Government Issue broke up even longer ago. Buy their CDs here. Orrin Hatch has been in office since 1977. Want to yell at people who like him? Move here.
"no one has ever died for a flag, they die for an idea."
Right on brother Bill. The fact that Orrin Hatch says that this non-issue is the "most important thing the senate could be doing right now" pretty much says it all about the GOP's priorities doesn't it. War? Debt? Osama who? Nope. Those issues pale in comparison.
Hatch ought to go on tour with the Lord of the Sith Zell Miller. They would make a great stand up comedy outfit.
Posted by: Scott in Tokyo | June 29, 2006 at 04:50 AM
It is funny listening to Hicks these days. Boy he thought things were odd back in the days of reagan and bush 1! I don't think in his worst nightmares he would have dreamed about the insanity going on now... He really was way ahead of his time. You could take his rants about the first iraq war and play them now and most people wouldn't know the difference.
As for Utah, by far one of my favorite places to visit (southern utah mind you) as long as you don't have to interact with the people. It sucks that the landscape is so wonderful out there. Orin Hatch has always been a nut and is just pandering to the very scary base. I don't see people out on the street corners burning their flags (especially not around this time of year) so how this even rates as anything remotely important really is amazing. I personally would never burn a flag but the last thing I want to do is outlaw it, especially with an admendment.
Call me crazy I like having the constitution have explicit granting of rights, not the taking of rights. That is the part of these debates I just don't get...
Posted by: nh_dave | June 29, 2006 at 07:39 AM
Yous should post an MP3 of "burn the flag" by the Goats
Posted by: Ann on | June 29, 2006 at 02:24 PM
This is right on Mike!
Posted by: Dave | June 29, 2006 at 03:32 PM
Excellent! Mixing GI and Hicks is a stroke of brilliance.
Posted by: CrunchyKnee | June 30, 2006 at 09:08 AM