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June 29, 2006


the man in lumberjack vee


This sounds wonderful!

Whenever I try to download it, it crashes my Firefox, though. Perhaps a bad file?


I downloaded just fine for me in FF.

the man in lumberjack vee

Today, it is working. Sorry to raise unnecessary alarm.

Thanks again, Ken for sharing!


Nice man, thanks!

Z Mrse

I know exactly where the Jimi Hendrix material came from because I was the one that took it from the various tapes it was on. Back in 1982 I wourked for a recording studio in Los Angeles where the Hendrix estate kept the entire library of his material. We were given an order to comb thru it all and assess what was there....while doing so we noticed a good deal of spoken word from him, which no one had every realised even existed. We took it upon ourselves to copy it off and compile it to a number of cassettes which we all ( 4 of us ) kept as just momentos.. obviously one of us made more copies and there you go...


The Time Stereo label (His Name is Alive & co.) used to sell that, but not anymore.


I respect Hendrix as a great artist. He was a good person, you can see it , it's called class.


Awesome Jimi stuff!

bob square pants

link for download


Looking for proof that Jimi did play a song with his male organ?



JIMI SPOKEN WORD! Now, this is the shizznit.!/search/song?q=Jimi+Hendrix+Room+Full+Of+Mirrors+Poetry+Recital+(Closer+To+The+Truth+Roomful+Of+Mirrors)

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