To commemorate that day 217 years ago when the people of Paris stormed the Bastille and freed all seven peasants inside (thus founding the modern French nation), here's a more significant accomplishment - an album of great hook-drenched French pop - Les Innocents' 1996 CD Post-Partum:
Un Monde Parfait | Long, Long, Long | Lune De Lait
Dentelle | Entre Amos Et Amsterdam | Lesions Etrangeres
Des Jours Adverses | La Peau Du Grizzly | Raide, Raide, Raide
Colore | Franges En Bataille | Lesions Etrangeres (suite) | Medley
Merci! I've been enjoying this since, well, 2006.
Posted by: Kip W | July 18, 2009 at 03:01 PM