(19 MP3 files below the jump.)
In 1991, the Berlin-based Zensor label released a compilation called Als die Partisanen kamen (When The Guerrillas Came). It contained a bunch of Berlin underground music which had appeared on the Zensor, Monogam, and Marat labels between 1979 and 1983. Apparently they thought it would be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, so they created some of the most annoying and illegible artwork in the history of mankind. Though the CD cover doesn't have disturbing imagery, fold-out velvet penises, or anything comparable, it still makes me shiver to this day whenever I look at it. Trying to read the track information makes me wish I was blind. I have provided scans of the front and back cover, but in order to protect the innocent, they are hidden beneath the jump. The music is there, too. Read on if you dare.
I will let the music speak for itself in a moment, just a few words of background. If I remember correctly, I bought this CD for one song only, Sing mir ein kleines Arbeiterkampflied by Konstantin aka Max Goldt. The title roughly translates as Sing a little worker's fight song for me, and for the benefit of those who don't speak German, here is the translation of the lyrics, done by my own personal Babel Fish:
"Sing to me a small worker combat song, one that swings humans working with pep, one, that, and to thinking brings. Sing to me a small worker combat song, one, which hisses, one, which slams, and from thousand man throats before the work gate sounds. Sing, men, sing, which want you? The same right as you. Sing, men, sing, bet that. Box of beer."
In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that this particular Babel Fish is a big fan of Dada, Neil Hamburger, and David Hasselhoff, so the above translation might not be 100% faithful.
Apart from this little ditty, the compilation features early works of Einstürzende Neubauten and friends, music for laundromats by Frieder Butzmann, music for (throwing up into) toilets by Michael Altfeld, cover versions of popular hits, a love song about a 49 second romance, and songs about war. Actually, about half of the songs have lyrical or musical references to war or the apocalypse. Good old times...
Some trivia for your next party before we get to the music: The person behind the moniker Borsig is actually 15 year old Alexander Hacke who later went on to join Einstürzende Neubauten. His waltz Hiroshima reminisces about "how beautiful it was", and how "we were decaying, hugging each other, being so happy".
Mania D was an all-women No Wave band with, among others, early Neubauten member Gudrun Gut. Nowadays, Gudrun runs the labels Moabit Records and Monika Enterprises.
You might not immediately recognize it, but the first track Wollt ihr die totale Befriedigung is a cover version of the song Satisfaction as sung by Joseph Goebbels.
The liner notes make the dubious claim that synthpop was invented in the legendary club SO 36 in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
For your total satisfaction, here is the complete album in MP3 format:
Einstürzende Neubauten & Die Sentimentale Jugend - Wollt ihr die totale Befriedigung | Mania D - Track Four | Frieder Butzmann - Valeska | | Rainy Day Women - Die Heimkehr der roten Brigaden | | Der tobende Luftkampf - Fieber | Thomas Voburka - Black Box | Einstürzende Neubauten - Für den Untergang | Mona Mur - Eintagsfliege | Frieder Butzmann - Waschsalon | Die Haut - (Never Going Back To) 5.th Avenue | Die Zwei - Einsamkeit | Frieder Butzmann - Die kleinen Tiere | Mekanik Destrüktiv Kohmandöh - Im Land des ewigen Krieges | Borsig - Hiroshima | P1/E - 49 Second Romance | Die Unbekannten - Casualties | Konstantin - Sing mir ein kleines Arbeiterkampflied | Django & Maria - Rock'n Roll is bigger than all of us | Michael Altfeld - Music for toilets
Thank you Lukas!! Great collection of always-hard-to-finds! There is a great 12" bootleg of Borsig Hiroshima by the way...
Posted by: poesboes | July 31, 2006 at 04:25 AM
hey there, I am in Berlin for a couple of days and wondering if you can recommend some record shops or venues.
Cant figure out the question mark on this computer.
thanks, big kitty
Posted by: big kitty | May 05, 2007 at 05:05 AM
keep your eyes open and your ears on.
Major Matt Mason Presents: Alternate Huggabroomstik
is coming soon, from Olive Juice Music
previous albums by HUGGABROOMSTIK:
Ultimate Huggabroomstik
Sloppy Kisses and Serious Guitars
Enter The Broomstik
Hugga Broomstik (self-titled)
are all available NOW at:
Posted by: neil kelly | August 20, 2007 at 09:29 PM
My band (huggabroomstik) played SO36, earlier this year, and it's a real punk-rockin' venue. if synthpop was invented there, then it would probably be a lot cooler.
PS Sara, from SO36, if you are reading this, i just wanted you to know that we are always thinking of you and your mohawk. Kreutzburg "36" ist soooooooooooooooo geil!
Posted by: neil kelly | August 20, 2007 at 09:37 PM
thanks a lot... really enjoying listening to this set.
Posted by: matt | March 26, 2008 at 04:59 AM
I have been looking for that Borsig song Hiroshima for probably 18 years! There is a very short clip of it in the Einstuerzende Neubauten video 1/2 Mensch, and ever since I heard that I have wanted to hear the rest of the song. I've looked in second hand music stores and all over the net, on and off, probably every couple of years. So thank you VERY much! Very much appreciated :-)
Posted by: Matt in Oz | November 24, 2008 at 08:35 AM