I'll be on vacation for the next week so here's an inbox cleansing before I go:
Don't ask, don't tell: South Korean soldiers show their inner Village People by singing a Morning Musume song (youtube)
Twenty Syphilis Posters from the Golden Age of Syphilis, via Ethan Persoff and John from Oslo
DJ Fido (youtube)
Great album a new weird vocalist for the ages: Maskull, via postpunkjunk and Mr. Science.
France's Frog Museum. Not to mention lamps and weapons.
The Dutch Circus Museum, featuring tons of great circus poster art, via hopsakee
The transluscent art stylings of Margi Geerlinks.
More good clean fun at the expense of mannequins.
Implosions, get yer red hot implosions!
The American Nazi Project of Mind Control (google video)
Photos on right from Strange Statues Around the World.
See you in ten days or so!
The syphilis posters are on a page with an ad that says "Meet Hotties Tonight." Woo hoo!
Posted by: Kip W | July 30, 2006 at 08:37 PM
some how I thought of you ken
Posted by: Mr.Science | August 01, 2006 at 01:40 AM