I have finally recovered from Black Friday, July 21st, when the station's T1 broke, an electrical panel burned and melted, the air conditioning broke on 3 out of 5 floors, the second floor started leaking into the ground floor, a thunderstorm knocked our audio off the air leaving us with nothing to broadcast for two hours but an iPod filled with surf and calliope music, my house flooded and Os Mutantes performed with the Brazilian version of Bette Midler.
Left with a a dazed demeanor and a broken spirit, I turrned to Professor Dum Dum's long lost cousin, Helmut Von Schmella, for a round of condom therapy: download mpeg video, 6 megs or youtube it. My petty concerns were quickly forgotten as I hyperventilated into an extra large lubricated Trojan with a resevoir tip. As the condom broke and left a tight band of latex around my neck, the blood flow to my brain was diminished and I was filled with a warm sense of well-being. All is well.
That guy looks like one of Aphex Twin's facial distortions. especially on the Come to Daddy cd cover.
Posted by: Parker Catalano | July 26, 2006 at 04:41 PM
Helmut Von Schmella was removed fom youtube due to a terms of use violation!? For what? Saying penis and vagina!?
Posted by: Gamma Goblin | September 30, 2006 at 07:50 AM
Onw condoms helps prvent the spread of HIV and STDS.
Posted by: kodi | November 10, 2008 at 02:10 AM