Here's a ten minute long instructional video called Poodle Samizdat, describing how to play the official game of Poodle with the image at left. After the instructions, there's a montage of the game, as played by Ethan Persoff and Scott Marshall, with special guest appearances by Condoleeza Rice, George W Bush, Sen Bill Frist, Senator Rick Santorum, Karl Rove, Bob's Big Boy, Ann Coulter, Ronald Reagan, Geraldo Rivera, Nancy, Sluggo, John Negroponte, Jim Dobson, Dick Cheney, Bozo the Clown, Dennis Hastert, Jeff Gannon Guckert, Douglas Jay Feith, Donald Rumsfeld, Antonio Gonzalez, and a very special appearance by Uncle Sam [download quicktime video, 34 megs].
You can also visit Ethan's Poodle page here which contains clips of Poodle Samizdat's highlights. Ethan's site is a treasure trove in general, and includes lots of scans of great old comics, like this How to Spot a Jap Army manual from World War Two. via Rumori list and Erella.