Like a virtual Ouija board, WFMU's search page spells out answers to all of the tough questions you never knew you had. You won't even need candlelight or a sneaky slumber party attendee. Allow me to demonstrate.
Scenario #1
All of a sudden out of nowhere, you must know if WFMU has played Orleans and you must know now! Go here and type in Orleans to find out. You can also search for a particular song on this same page.
Scenario #2
You are short-term memory-challenged like myself, and you're trying to find info on a song you heard on WFMU, but the only details that your brain recalls are: 1) awesome, and 2) it went something like nah nah nah banana, something something... You need the Advanced Search Page, my friend.
Scenario #3
You keep hearing The Kids talking up this band called Cattle Decapitation. Everywhere you turn, you see someone with a Cattle Decapitation t-shirt, a Cattle Decapitation tattoo, Cattle Decapitation knee socks, then it's Cattle Decapitation baby bibs, Cattle Decapitation breakfast cereal... and suddenly you can't take it any more, what the hell is up with this Cattle Decapitation craze?! Surely WFMU is hip to their jive, I need to hear this Cattle Decapitation band once and for all! Hit up our Song Audio Search Page and get in the know.
Scenario #4
You're bumping FMU with the windows rolled down, and this suh-weeeet tune comes on. You turn it up to eleven, and all of a sudden your ride is surrounded by honeys. Overwhelmed with worship, you're too, um, occupied to hear the DJ announce what was playing. But since you scored the digits, you've got to seal the deal with a primo mixtape on your date. Now what would really win you some points? How about that rockin' song you were listening to around 8:30pm... Damn! What was it called? Try our Time Search Page, where the date and time shall yield the truth.
Scenario #5
You'd like to see what's on the WFMU tasting menu, in long, alphabetical list form. Feast your eyes on our Band Browser or our Genre Finder. Perhaps you'll discover that Power Violence really speaks to your inner child.
Scenario #6
You're just looking for a good ol' fashioned Sex Party. Search the whole damned WFMU website here.
Posted by: geir | July 31, 2006 at 11:16 AM
I just recently saw Cattle Decapitation at the Pound in San Francisco, and they were alright. It was all about Origin though. I know what you mean though on the increasingly rediculous death metal band names. Such as Embryonic Devourment, Dying Fetus etc.
Posted by: Parker Catalano | July 31, 2006 at 04:39 PM