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July 14, 2006



The link to his website is busted: works.


Oh, it's only on the second one right before you list the MP3s...

Brian Turner

Sorry, fixed that link.

Scott in Tokyo

Wow! Downloaded those MP3s and like it just fine. I wish I still lived in Portland, I'd go see him next week...

Hey one question for y'all - who did the original version of "rescue"? I recall hearing it a long time ago but cant recall the artist...

Scott in Tokyo


Wowzerz! This Kelley Stoltz is amazing. Maybe the reason we don't hear him on the radio is because he would rank the rest of the crap they like playin'. Thanks for this great music!


I agree - why isn't Kelley Stoltz massive? Beyond me, but lucky for us who appreciate his music. Mind you - his Bunnymen fixation is mad - his own songs are great tho!

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