Our humble blog just reached it's four millionth page view since being launched in February, 2005. I know that you're hoping I'll celebrate with a batch of MP3s about "four million," as I did when we passed the one million mark.
Alas, all I have to celebrate are a batch of fresh stats on Beware of the Blog, courtesy of Google Analytics and Doron. These are stats for one week in July, 2006.
Referrals: 34% of our readers come from google searches, 25% come directly to BOTB, 11% come from the WFMU website proper, and 30% come from the great beyond, which is to say, somewhere else.
Keywords: Of that 34% of our readers who are coming from google, what the hell are they searching for - MP3s, Videos, Cheesy Euro-Disco? Fat chance. Here are the five keywords and phrases, in order: "Sex Party," "WFMU," "Sex," "WFMU Blog" and "Sex Fuck." Which all goes to show that it is Amanda's This Week In Sex column which has saved our collective bloggy ass. Thank's Amanda! Let's have a sex party real soon. Sex Party Sex Party Sex Party Sex Party Sex Party Sex Party Sex Party. Fuck. Did I say Sex Party? I meant to say Sex Fuck.
Browsers: 52% of y'all are still using Internet Explorer - are you out of your minds? 32% use Firefox, 12% use Safari, 2% are using Opera and another 2% are looking at us through a kinescope.
Speed: Private Cable/DSL counts for 73%, "Corporate" users stand at 10% although I suspect that many of the cable and DSL users are also corporate but not identified as such. And dialup readers count for only 9%, which includes me on the weekends. I feel so special.
Screen Resolution: And the winner of the one week in July Beware of the Blog Screen Resolution Prize is.... 1024 by 768 pixels, accounting for 51% of the readership. The silver screenie goes to 1280 by 1024 (15%) and the bronze goes to 800 by 600 (9%).
Operating Systems: Windows systems check in at 80.5%, Mac OS's count for 18% and Linux garners a lowly 1%. That other half a percent? Abacuses and Unix.
Browser - OS Combinations: The most popular combination is Internet Explorer 6.0 with Windows XP which represented 44% of our readers. Firefox 1.5 or better and XP got 18% and Safari/Mac OSX scored a 5%.
That's a sampling of the stats for Beware of the Blog. We will now take the hint and turn the blog and WFMU itself into a big high speed sex party with trays of free spyware for all.