Much has been made of the merrymaking going on at RaptureReady in regards to the recent outbreak of war. But if you scroll through the archives you will see that bombs falling in the Middle East is always cause for celebration for these fine folks.
Which leads us to the question of the day: are you rapture ready? (Link) And to keep you focused while you type up your rapture letter - here is some rapture propaganda from the 1940s (YouTube link).
It seems that Liz already blogged this particular video last week - but if you want to be in the book of life, watch it again.
Now I'm all pissed off...The Rapture site doesn't take Paypal for it's store. Cheese Louise, wanted the Homeland Security Tee....bummer......This for all [2] of you who remember Wild Girls "Jesus Loves You" Tee...Dave K.
Posted by: Dave K. | July 25, 2006 at 08:03 PM
I don't understand RaptureReady's hangup with Benny Hinn. At least he had the courage to predict a specific date ( twice? ) for the End Times. I don't think you're ligitimately a Christian Rapturist unless you commit to a specific End Times date like Benny, Hal Lindsey and a bunch of other Elmer Gantry's have. Really, it's a right of passage. Fuck RaptureReady's hackneyed generalizations of war, bad weather, terrorisms as "signs". Put your faith on the line! For Christ sake, pick a DATE!
Posted by: Pope | July 26, 2006 at 05:23 AM
In case of rapture, this car will remain unmanned! I belive we can all learn alot about this subject from that song by Blondie....
Posted by: Crotch Wizard | July 26, 2006 at 11:46 AM
What gets me about the Rapture Letters site is that it's based on "dead man switch" technology -- someone (presumably the webmaster) must activate the "switch" on a regular basis to keep the emails from being sent prematurely. When he misses his time to activate the "switch" (because he's been taken away in the Rapture), then the emails go out.
Boy, I'd love to see the looks on the faces of the email recipients when the switch-keeper oversleeps, dies, has his ISP go down, or just generally misses his duty for all too human (non-Rapture-related) reasons. Oops!
Posted by: Eric B. | July 26, 2006 at 12:26 PM
does anyone know where I can find the "Christian Girls Gone Wild" video?
Posted by: Xavier | July 26, 2006 at 10:31 PM