Here are a few public domain videos from back when life was simple and wholesome: people actually made preparations for the rapture, prescription tranquilizers didn't have such a bad rap, and yodeling your sailor boyfriend off to war was a perfectly acceptable goodbye.
"The Rapture" (mp4, 118 MB via - Just in case you were confused about how the rapture will affect your daily routine, this film from 1941 lays it all out. I won't reveal everything, but don't expect your christian maid to show up for work that day.
"The Relaxed Wife" (mp4, 33 MB) - Jerry Lewis' infomercial doppelganger stars in this promo film produced by Pfizer in the late '50s, demonstrating how ataraxic drugs can help you manage stress.
"Chime Bells" (mp4, 6 MB) - Originally from a "soundie," this clip features Rosalie Allie yodeling her man off to the navy, and all the while maintaining a creepy permasmile.
RELAXED WIFE is a very cool film. It's also over at as a DVD-quality MPEG2. I did a video remix using chunks of it. See it here:
...or if you prefer Youtube:
See more:
Posted by: FP | July 14, 2006 at 06:07 PM