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July 26, 2006


steve PMX

So why was this *Goth stripper* arrested??? $100k is alot of lap dances.

tony rettman

...For anyone who would know or care, the stripper with all the skulls/hands was the bass player in the early 90's NJ emo band Lifetime. Real weird...

Krys O.

Said exotic dancer was charged with improper disposal of human remains. Latest news is that she skipped out on her court appearance and the judge revoked her $100K bail.

steve PMX

She sounds like a total badass. I didn't know having human skulls would carry such a hefty fine/jail time. Unless of course you murdered someone and then had that person's skull in your dressing room.

Nor did I know that you could order human skulls online. weird


britney spears responds via mcsweeneys

Taro, in Tokyo

Flying squirrels sex with screeching and corkscrews and plugs maybe fun, but out of the tens of thousand of porn films available to researchers visiting the Kinsey Institute library, Wardell Pomeroy confided in me that the all-time favorite film by a factor of ten was "How Animals Do It", the Dellenback's films of animal sex behavior. (Think, "What comes in buckets?" or "Do porcupines really need to use the Missionary Posistion?)

Taro, in torrid Tokyo at

For reference:

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