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July 16, 2006


Chris Combs

More info on bands:

Mailbox / Groundhog Day / Hot Cinnamon Roll:

Them Ickies (Mickey's Ickies / Mickey Zetts):

Joe & The Chicken Heads:

And of course I am at:

I should be able to link to others, but I can't think of the URLs off the top of my head.

Thank you WMFU, for teaching us how to love. Again. Oh, and for recalling this long-lost gem.


How odd it is to be mentioned in a post on WFMU. Perhaps even odder to be cited as hard to find more music for...well, maybe they are talking about the other bands (many of whom I miss dearly). Hmm...seriously, I am in NYC, playing a show on Thursday; heck, I've even contacted FMU on occasion.


Mike Lebovitz

Hey, I remember this. I'm "High Fructose Corn Syrup" and I made my college radio staion play the disk to death. I now record under the name Father Bingo if anyone's looking.

Jill Knapp (from Jay's Booming Hat)

Wow, it's really cool to see all the ol' Superpickle folks resurfacing, and even cooler to be mentioned on 'FMU. Woohoooo!

Andrew Durkin is now the leader/tunesmith for the unbearably kick-ass Industrial Jazz Group based in L.A., and I sing with them when the stars align. To find them and their Zappa-esque magic: and

(Long live WFMU. Radioactive Theater circa 1994, we haven't forgotten thee.)


Whoa! Hence the Name on WFMU! That's awesome. This PSA collection was lots of fun to do, and even if we only saved one life, it was still completely worth it.

We're still technically around, though our second album's been more than 6 years in the making. Our music's not hard to find: always cheap as free.


I am glad folks are still talking about this CD. I just found out that our safety tip 'stop drop and roll' has been added to the playlist at KPFT in Houston. Maybe this is a chance to get our music out to more people...we are still going strong at


Phil Lawrence

Archbishop Jason Polland and GST Mugwump can be found at:

The Nourishment also featured Andrew Durkin of Jay's Booming Hat in the Year 2000.

Phil Lawrence

And also, B.C. Sterrett of Field Trip is a Nourishment member. And Aaron Cohen (roadie for the Chickenheads) played drums for the Nourishment from 2000-2002. And during the summer of 2006, Jeremy Matthews of NSPS toured with The Nourishment.

This CD has Nourishment all over it!

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