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August 28, 2006



Love those giant speakers. See my high school yearbook pic, me sitting in front of the theater's Voice of the Theater movie speakers here:




The Dutch made mobile versions of such acoustic radar devices. Hearing something is not the problem, but I guess it takes a lot of training to hear directionally.


The sound mirrors feature heavily in various projects by art / music / film group Disinformation - the "Antiphony" double CD (packaging features sound mirror photos by Julian Hills from 1996) and "Antiphony Video Supplement" (by film-maker Barry Hale, later retitled "Blackout") which were both published in 1997, with the video being virtually identical to later works by the artists Tacita Dean and Lisa Autogena. The chronology of all these projects is documented in the US art magazine "Cabinet", in an article written by Brian Dillon of the University of Kent, Canterbury.

An "Antiphony Architectural Supplement" was published by Disinformation as a feature in Sound Projector magazine in 1999. A recent press release says that Barry Hale's sound mirror video has been shown at NTT ICC (Tokyo), The Royal College of Art (London), Galerie fur Zeitgenossische Kunst (Leipzig), Schirn Kunsthalle (Frankfurt) and The Dom (Moscow), the Phonotaktik (Vienna) and Sonar (Barcelona) music festivals, a sound art event in a nuclear bunker in Scotland, and exhibited as an installation at The Mac (Birmingham), Quay Arts (Isle of Wight), Wrexham Arts Centre, South Hill Park (Bracknell), Event Gallery (London), Q Gallery (Derby), The Latvian National Museum of Art and The ICA (London).


A clip of the Sound Mirrors video by Disinformation is available to view at

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