I confess to being a sucker for things I don't understand, be it the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky, the mass appeal of David Hasselhoff, or the Hungarian language. Similarly, pop songs can often be notably improved when they are covered by an obscure band in an incomprehensible language, preferably in Kobaian, Klingon, or Spanish. Thanks to Hermanos Calatrava, we have such an improvement over David Bowie's original classic Space Oddity. Oddly, it is also called Space Oddity (mp3).
The Calatrava Brothers are a couple of Spanish well-known rude humorists. One of them is the evil clone of Mick Jagger, you can check it on their official website. The song is full of outdated jokes about 70s problems like hyperinflation or working strikes.
Posted by: EB | August 28, 2006 at 07:28 AM
I happen to understand most of it, but it's still interesting!
Posted by: Gabriel | August 28, 2006 at 12:04 PM