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August 04, 2006



Elliott's self-titled album is one of the most quietly terrifying albums ever. So great though.

fatty jubbo

PYT used to be my favorite song when I was 5 or whatever. I had a little dance that went with it which featured a crotch groping session during the "heavy breathing" section.


I have a foggy memory of a creepy song from way back when I was a kid in the early 70s called D.O.A. I don't know who does it or when it was released.

Would be great to see it here.


Oh, that's Bloodrock, that D.O.A. track. Head over here to find it in the FMU archives & go have a listen.


How'd Creepy magazine get permission to use that pic of Iggy on its cover?!

Listener Stan

Oh great, now I have to learn another language to order phentermine off this site.


I'd love to hear the Dead Man's Curve track if we can get it working


whoops, sorry, try it again. it's there...


"Violet" I had not heard it years and it's striking, given that El Duce of the Mentors had a song called "Sandwich of Love" (released before or after? I haven't found out yet) with pretty much the exact lyrics ("She's the one with no soul/ above and one below"). Obviously everyone knows by now that Duce often claimed to have been solicited for the murder of Cobain before the body was found, and died under suspicious circumstances soon thereafter. I'm just wondering if it's possible that Love is referencing Duce in this song, or vice versa (?).


I've always assumed that "I'm the one with no soul / One above and one below" was a Mentors reference. Sandwich of Love, which came out in the mid-80's, long before Violet, has almost those exact lines (part from a verse, the rest from the chorus). Courtney is known to have been a Mentors fan from the early days, before she was famous. It's certainly the first thing I thought of when I first listened to the words of Violet.


Jeez, I never put two and two together before, but Courtney knew the Mentors early on, so maybe Sandwich of Love refers to her. Sandwich of Courtney Love -- get it?

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