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August 08, 2006


Mike Lupica

Now it's 11 AM and reading this post made me want lunch already. I stamp my guido seal of approval on this, Trouble, though for the roasted red peppers, *I* would have to insist that they be steamed wrapped up in a foil packet that is tightly bundled inside a brown paper grocery bag. Nobody really understands the secret of the brown grocery bag technique, but its effects on the final product are palpably delicious... Get Fabio on the case, I say.


Hello, I enjoyed this post, but instead of "Nana" the proper name is "Nonna."



The great thing about making pesto is that there really is no set list of ingredients. Trouble's recipe is a great one - the classic basil base - but many different fresh green herbs can be used, and even mixed (try a leaf or two of mint throen in). Even the cheese can be swapped around - asiago will result in a richer, creamier pesto. Even a bit of honey can be added to give the pesto a slight sweetness (just do not overdo it)!.


Listener Sharon

Basil pesto is nice, but arugula pesto really rocks!

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