Whether or not some of these Black Francises-and-Kim-Deals-in-waiting will be called upon to be the crying tykes in "The Kids" at the forthcoming presentation of Lou Reed's Berlin at St. Ann's is yet to be seen.
From New York Magazine: (link from listener Lou Smith):
"Welcome to the age of the rocker mom. Kids who might otherwise have their parents ferry them to the soccer field are now being enthusiastically chaperoned to dive bars. Rock, once the realm of outcasts and dangerously attractive miscreants, is practically a curriculum choice. In Park Slope, after-school classes are offered at private and public schools, and Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls (an offshoot of Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls in Portland, Oregon) is in its second year. On the syllabus are the classics: Ramones and Clash and Pixies songs that youngish parents revere, and that their offspring have been hearing since birth."
Aw, man. Kids aren't cool. And apparently adults are aren't cooler.
Posted by: Eep | August 29, 2006 at 07:07 PM
"We're through being cool."
Posted by: Krys O. | August 30, 2006 at 08:11 AM