Got some free time the first two weeks of November?
Do you have $7,600 - $13,240* burning a hole in your pocket?
Yes and yes? Well, friend, you might be interested in this. British singer-songwriter John Otway is organizing his 2006 World Tour, and he is bringing his audience with him. Otway scored a 1977 UK hit with the song "Really Free" (mp3), and also charted in 2002 via a concerted fan campaign with the chemistry-themed song "Bunsen Burner".
Starting the last week of October his band and 300 fans will embark on a world tour with gigs in Liverpool, New York, Las Vegas, Sydney, Dubai, Shanghai, and London. Otway and his humongous entourage will be travelling via chartered jet. The cost? A mere GBP 4000 for economy seats and GBP 7000 for luxury business class (plus accomodation and show tickets).
This website has all the details about the tour, or you can read this news article, and if you like to learn more about John Otway, check out his official website here.
* based on today's GBP > USD exchange rate via
so he's like the grateful dead?
Posted by: bartelby | August 26, 2006 at 01:51 AM
yes, like a very very expensive grateful dead. i think his fans might shower more though since they are staying in hotels instead of a pop-top VW camper.
Posted by: Megan | August 26, 2006 at 05:57 PM