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August 25, 2006


Former Assistant Mike

I was there, too!

I thought all the same thought you were thinking -- except the ones about the backpack.

My boyfriend remarked, "I expected to see at least a few trannies in this crowd."

"I see only the one," I replied, gesturing discretely. "Remember, we're thirty feet from a food court. This looks like a mostly 'FMU' crowd."

Yet I didn't see you! Did you see me?

( Just kidding. )

So many knit shirts and baseball caps! I wondered when someone might suddenly start -- fishing!

GOD, I wish I had seen you.

Former Assistant Mike

re. Iggy vs. David J. --

Somehow, I've attended more Iggy performances than any other act.

A few years ago he played Irving Plaza where occurred perhaps my all-time favorite moment in rock 'n roll. Iggy was yanking college boys onto the stage and then chucking them back into the crowd. An apparition took form behind him. For a moment, I thought I saw two Iggys at once -- the mighty Iggy, the one who was singing, whose veins were popping so lush his skin looked like greased corduroy -- and then there was a spectral, bony Iggy, some sort of 'monkey's paw' Iggy shambling across the stage. Each was all but naked. The singing Iggy seemed to sense his ghostly doppleganger. He spun to face him. Both froze. I realized the spectral 'Iggy' was actually Brooklyn's own Robert Lund, who had apparently passed insubstantial through Iggy's entire security team. He waved sloppily at Iggy, two-handed. Iggy blanched as if --understandable -- he were seeing his own ghost. Iggy pointed at Robert and mouthed, "YOU." Robert shrugged and smiled, "Hey, man." Then the rock 'n roll crashed over me like a wave, as a crowd-surfing frat boy leapt directly unto the top of my skull and knocked me unconscious.

Iggy Pop would murder David Johansen. No doubt about that -- unless David brought a gun. In any case, I'm sure David would leave some terrific last words.

Former Assistant R. Stevie

I wasn't there -- fyeh!?! -- but boy am I impressed by your humerrous writing skills on this funny post. Great read. Do it some more.

Bill W

If Sylvain was quiet, there'd only be one living Doll.

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