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August 21, 2006



"Hooray For Human Engineering" slays me every time I hear it. Once again, eternal thanks for the excellent posts.

Kirk D.

This is great! Thanks.
I recently posted an entire album of 1972 Chevy showroom music here...


There's actually a copy of the original CD, "Product Music", up on eBay right now. It's a rarity.

Often, I find myself singing "Tractor Driving Man" at the oddest times. It's an insidious song!

patricio lópez

It would be nice if you uploaded this as a torrent.


"Dance the Slurp" was also used in Cut Chemist & DJ Shadow's "Brainfreeze" and "Product Placement" projects. Both are hour-long sets with 2 brilliant DJs spinning nothing but 45s across 4 turntables - P.P. is out on dvd, highly recommended. They also use a bizarre track released by some natural gas foundation - absurd track with kids rapping about the benefits cooking with gas.

but y'all probably knew that already.

David S.

I've had this CD for about six years and it's one of my most valued. It's all great and I also randomly break out in 'Tractor Drivin' Man'

Hey... maybe since it's making it's way around the internet people won't look at me quite so oddly when I do that.



I'm surprised there aren't any Waffle House songs on there. Who, who has gone into a Waffle House, hasn't glanced at the jukebox and noticed a number of songs by well-known country artists extolling the virtues of Waffle House cuisine?

Industrial music

I like this album


Superb Stuff! I wanna be a tractor drivin' man and wallow in an Ultra bath full of 7-11 whatever that is. . . Hooray for marketing madness. But it's pretty scary when you think how most companies are led by marketing people. . .
good on yer,

Derek Gerry

Ahh, more American Standard songs. I'll be playing My Bathroom Is a Private Kind of Place on Thanksgiving. Each year I do a show that's entirely product and promotional songs to celebrate the start of the Christmas shopping season.

Sometime this weekend, I'll be broadcasting/podcasting an idustrial musical that Life magazine produced in 1963. It's all about the wonders of advertising in Life.

If you click one of those links up there, you'll find my site, which will have the details (still waiting for the weekend schedule to sort out), and some links to MP3s I've posted.

Robert Lett

Hey was there ever a "Product Music" vol. 2? I have 1 and it slays me. Peace. Robert Lett, Richmond, Va

Robert Lett

Was there a Product Music Vol 2?


Downloaded all files, still have no opinion about this production.


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