All MP3 and RealAudio links are streaming links from the WFMU Archives.
Rock And Roll
Night Sun - "Plastic Shotgun" MP3 | RealAudio from Brian Turner's show, August 22, 2006
Tirath Singh Nirmala - "Nagg Clef Seatpoint" RealAudio from Strength Through Failure with Fabio, August 24, 2006
Barton Smith - "Musical Box" RealAudio from Maria Levitsky's show, August 23, 2006
Lionrock - "Fire Up the Shoesaw" RealAudio from (More Than A Few) Exciting Moments with Frank O'Toole (Web-only), August 22, 2006
Seht - "Valles Marineris" RealAudio from Evan Muse's show, August 23, 2006
Writer's Block - "4U" RealAudio from Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains with Noah, August 21, 2006
Fave Song of the Week
Barmitzvah Brothers - "Today Is Sunday" RealAudio from Bob W.'s show (filling in for Trouble), August 24, 2006