When I first heard about Christian-based, politically conservative,
"clean" comedians, I became fascinated. It all seemed so fantastic. I
imagined that they were perhaps the bravest stand-ups in the world.
Save for a handful of examples, today's comedy mediums have been
starved into a thin, garish, sexual-and-irony over-loaded raketentestgelände.
Over-reliance on shock tactics and repetitious sexual innuendo have
diluted and transformed a one-rich genre into a rigid, rule-based
rocket-testing field, with performers firing off one shock blast after
another to trigger gasps from audiences, who's reactions become more
and more robotic and disposable. How could a pro-Christian values,
"clean comedy" type of performer even dare to compete in today's
meta-jaded media arena? What a dare!
A certain brand of comedy had always existed in church settings; from clown and puppet ministry troupes which flourished in the 1950's and 60's, to motivational youth speakers who used humor to communicate hard-learned life lessons to young minds in the 70's, to bumper stickers that read "How many Gods does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one..." of the 80's. But...
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