I am a sucker for a pretty lady adorned with a headful of candy and strawberry preserves smeared across her face. Aesthetic bliss!
Will Cotton (left) paints beautiful photo realistic pictures of women lounging around on cotton candy and wedding cakes, sometimes dipped in chocolate. He also has a stunning series of almost abstract landscape paintings of melting ice cream and lollypops.
Kristen Gerbert(right) has a massive collection of photos on Flikr of pretty ladies getting sloppy with food and cupcake sprinkle cosmetics.
For your extra pleasure here is the prettiest lady of them all, Leona Anderson crooning about her Limburger Lover (mp3...from the brilliant LP Music To Suffer By)
I am obsessed with this photo I found on the avant-garde fashion site Foto-Decadent of women bathing in noodles.
Here! are some photographs of a 100 lb. woman eating a very large hamburger! And of course we can't leave out Sonya Thomas- The Black Widow Of Competetive Eating!
And if that doesn't wet your appetite, let me introduce you to Chicago artist Paul Nudd. Nudd creates disgusting concoctions out of eggs, fingernails, and all manner of slop and throws it into a crockpot to film it slowly boiling over. I might be a bit off on the exact process but the result is fascinating and, uh, dare I say? ...beautiful.
if you like girls and cupcakes, you'll love these amy sedaris pics:
also included: audio samples from her new book, "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence"
Posted by: krup | September 12, 2006 at 04:03 PM