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September 12, 2006


Krys O.

The second famous dancer to come out of Hot Gossip was Perri Lister who later became Billy Idol's GF. She appeared in the 'White Wedding' video. Kenny Everett's video show was groundbreaking.


Incredible post. I forgot that Solid Gold dancers danced to the top ten songs on the charts. I just remember my youthful pangs of lust.


Actually, anyone who grew up in England in the last 35 years is more likely to have had smutty thughts about Pan's People than Hot Gossip...or was it just me?!


Great moment from the Kenny E show: "Bring me David Essex! And hit him with a pie!" And they did.

Mark Allen

Great post Clinton (McClung?) I have vivid, technicolor memories of the Solid Gold Dancers via the early 80's. My God! I actually remember the host shift in the Solid Gold show - with the female half Dionne Warwick handing her crown to Marilyn McCoo (I *still* don't know who that is). Solid Gold was a bizarre show that would ocassionally attract really weird guests like the Plasmatics - I think their performance on that show of "Black Leather Monster" (where Wendy O. had to cover her breasts) featured the SG Dancers actually dancing to the song in the background (in ripped black spandex outfits and chains). Someone should really do a comprehensive "where are they now" documentary film on the SG dancers - there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house.

Krys O.

Mark Allen, Mark Allen, Mark Allen, Marilyn Mcoo (Davis), along with her ex-husband Billy Davis was a member of the Fifth Dimension. "Up, Up and Aw-a-a-a-a-y", "Age of Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In" and "Stone Soul Picnic" and more. You and Kenny G should sing ALL of the Fifth Dimension songs.


Recall seeing Prince & The Revolution lip-synching "Little Red Corvette" on the show.
Hopefully that'll make it to YouTube someday - preferably uploaded by Prince himself.

Anyone got a copy of the pre-Dionne sung SG theme? 'Tis way better, if a cloudy memory serves me well.

Steve PMX

This is possibly the best post ever.

fatty jubbo

was Solid Gold a Channel 9 WWOR production? Channel 9 made the best of the worst of television.

I was a bit young, so my memory isn't too sharp about this- but I remember some disco gold chained white-afro guy being the host...or was he the main male dancer that the girls swarmed around during dance numbers? Am I thinking of a different show entirely?


Anyone want to trade solid gold videos? I have a couple from the early 80s on DVD. Let me know--would love to have more. Not looking to sell.


does anynbody have any solid gold videos for sale?


I have a lot of SG Dancers footage if anyone is interested in trading.


I am interested in Solid Gold videos....Please contact me

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