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September 24, 2006


Dale Hazelton

This is heads (and tails) above the Hartz Mountain 78 "How to Train your Bird to Sing". That has no cultural or artistic aspiration at all. At least my cat seemed to enjoy it....


I can't praise the Online Guide to Whistling Records highly enough. It provides the most comprehensive guide anywhere to records made for and starring our feathered friends. The many mp3s of champanion singers are unequaled in their ability to give enjoyment to both humans and birds: our budgies, canaries, and finches go wild for them. "Train your Bird in Stereo" is a gripping record and gives excellent advice, but I have to criticise the narrators on their faulting delivery on side 1. Fans of records for training birds should look up Teach Your Bird How to Talk like the Stars,which repeats the voices of Bogart, Cagney, and others so that your bird can become a avian Rich Little. The album is pictured in a link on the Online Guide to Whistling Records' Bird Songs and Training Records page.

Tom Richards

I HAVE THIS ALBUM! It is a big hit with all who listen.
I'm fine thank you...

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