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October 29, 2006



i was just thinking about this guy the other day: this comic strip he did for SPIN about bending over in front of his girlfriend naked, and she laughs at the little bits of toilet paper still stuck in his butthole hair, and he he gets all angry because THE BUTTHOLE HAIR OF A MAN IS STRONGER THAN A WOMAN'S and REGULAR TOILET PAPER IS NOT MANLY ENOUGH TO ENDURE IT.

like all great art, timeless.


he's got a pretty good piece up at ps1 right now in this defamation of character exhibit...also very much ranting...but about how he sucks.


Is this for real? He can't be serious.

Mike D.

Well, one thing is for certain.

Kenny G is now the greatest musician-golfer that EVER LIVED!



Totally not serious. 100% tongue in cheek (or in character).

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