Do it Yourself Cathedral
Outsider art on a grand scale.
Jan Svankmajer's "Tma Svetlo Tma"
Completely strange and entralling video from the Czech surrealist artist, circa 1989. Not safe for work.
Band Names Explained
Because no human's life is complete without knowing where John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band got their name from.
The Budget Graph
A visual guide to where your tax dollars scamper off to. Fasssss-kinating!
Musee Patamecanique
"In the manner of the great Wonder Rooms of yore, Musee Patamecanique is a hybrid institution, a museum cum-laboratory, cum-carnival for the senses."
Crash Course in ItaloProg
With accompanying album art to fire your ItaloGlands. Ewww!
Vintage Penguin Book Covers
A redux, of sorts, for the recently published "Penguin By Design: A Cover Story 1935-2005". As quickly identifiable as vintage Blue Note covers, Art Chantry designs, etc.
Crazy Phonograph Art Projects
By looney Dutch artist Jeroen Diepenmaat
Iggy's Tour Rider
"Er, do you know any homosexuals?"
The Dutch Way of Dealing with Shoplifters
Why press charges when you can mortify for half the hassle?
Steinski, Jack Mello, Liz Berg, Fabio, Scott M., Mac, and the editor.