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October 01, 2006


Rev. Marcus Burkhard

Let's not forget LSD also gave us the knowledge of the double helix.


I can offer this:


wow...thanks for the Trip Receptacles link

Nice to see many Terence McKenna tracks available for download (on their page) - - although McKenna was more of a proponent of DMT than LSD!

keep on bloggin'



Check out some sketches under the influence of LSD I did based on a Roger McGough Liverpool Scene poem I did in 1970 on me ole site....

michael deprisco

have always been fascinated with the world of LSD....anyone ever run across the Bud Freeman 45, "Because of LSD"? I figure if ANYONE in the world knows about this record, it would be someone at wfmu....anyway...thanks for the great blog!!! Mike deprisco

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