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October 25, 2006


Brendt Rioux

Brendt Rioux, Music Director at WCBN here saying THANKS for posting this album! I've been looking for a long time for it, as I'm a big fan of the Henry Jacobs school of radio- you and me both, I guess.


Beautiful poetry. Thank you.


This brief article got me ordering several Henry Jacobs CDs even before I got a chance to listen to these brilliant downloads. As always to WFMU, I owe a million thanks for introducing me to another too-little-known genius! (I was delighted to discover that I already had an old album that features Mr. Jacobs: Folkways FX 6160, "Sounds of New Music" from 1957, which also features John Cage, Halim El-Dabh, Henry Cowell, Vladmiri Ussachevsky, Edgar Varese, and others--illustrious company, well-deserved. Now I've just ordered a new CD of that classic from the Smithsonian Folkways website.)

Cheshire Adams

Far out. Cheers!

Jamie Haynes

Thanks so much for putting these up. My parents had this album when it came out (for reasons I can't begin to fathom) and I used to play it to death. Have been looking for it forever. God bless you, and WFMU.

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