Halloween is only two days away, and this blog already brought you great costume ideas (and I would like to add my suggestion, the "what were they thinking" Heidi costume pictured to the right) and scary audio and video which might come in handy at your own personal Satanic rituals. And don't forget older postings, like the bag of Satanic goodies Ken posted on 6/6/6, or the Halloween safety tips from last year. We wouldn't want you to fall into the street while trick-or-treating.
However, never before have we addressed the economic problems of real witches, who have to pay rent and high long-distance phone bills. Not many artists in the course of history have had the guts to tackle such a controversial topic, but fortunately there was Flossie and the Unicorns, the puppet band of Quintron and Miss Pussycat. Listen to the docudrama The Halloween Puppet Show (mp3) from their first album LMNOP and prepare to have some of your old cliches and prejudices about witches shattered.
Another serious issue around Halloween is the arrival of the Great Pumpkin, anxiously awaited every year by Linus van Pelt. While it was generally believed that the Great Pumpkin is a fictional character (YouTube evidence in form of a Peanuts episode), it recently turned out that this belief is fatally wrong (YouTube proof in form of a Robot Chicken episode). You better get yourself a Kite-Eating Tree before Tuesday.
Want some scary entertainment on Halloween night? I'd suggest "Scary Mary" Poppins (YouTube link), but leave the kids at home. Or even better, feed them to hungry witches or to the Great Pumpkin.