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November 14, 2006


Roy Rosenthal

I would just like to point out that New Yorkers living from the middle of Long Island to points East on the North Shore (thousands and thousands) can listen to Ed Schultz on 1300am, Connecticut's Liberal Talk.


Hey, Canadian content is one of the things that keeps us a separate country which we probably would both agree, is a good thing. Even, it helps keeps some of us speaking French. Most Candians actually like these restrictions..


Great read. I'm on CBC Radio weekend mornings, but i assume you wouldn't be able to pick it up on yer radio during the day. Maybe if you were close to the border. BTW, CBC's enormous record library(s) are unfuckingbelievable. The largest wealth of finds i've ever seen accumulated in one spot, and that goes for every major city where they have a station.

How about Pastor Randy Brodhagen? He has (had?) a show called Glory to God which aired here in Vancouver on Global TV Sundays at 5am. One of only two channels, at the time, to carry his demented sermons in all of North America. Have a few on tape I should upload onto youtube where he, quite literally, makes up quotes from the bible and cites them as real, appears to be drugged/or drunk with four five days worth of growth on his face, half singing half mumbling. One episode he very unsuccessfully performed an exorcism ... bizarre half crazed Sunday programming, sadly no longer aired out here. Located in Palm Springs, California but seemingly only has a following overseas(!).

Dale Hazelton

Fun, as always. Prof, are you using a loop antenna (ie: Terk) and lazy susan setup on these broadcast band recordings? Sometimes that's the only way I can pull in some signals, like Torontos 740am, even though it is a 50,000 watter.

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