Isn't it fun to be a planet in space? These are not my words, this is a quote by Captain Christy, my new champion of demented instructional recordings for children. I don't know anything about her or the "Step in Step Dance SIStem" for which this was recorded, but the art speaks for itself. Follow Captain Christy and Spaceship Dance into space, say hi to the Moon, march, spin, whirl, twirl, hop, and watch out for funny green men from Mars and big winds pushing the spacecraft around. Christy has impeccable rhythm, leadership qualities, and masters all the random changes in background music without blinking an eye. Listen and dance along: Captain Christy's Space Walk (mp3).
Nice bib on that guy. He obviously needs it.
Posted by: Bruce Y | November 26, 2006 at 12:16 PM
Does this remind anyone of Lil' Vicki, from that episode of The Simpsons? She was a washed-up child star who ran "Lil' Vicki Valentine's School Dance" as an older woman in that episode where Lisa tries to learn tap. Remember the recital at the end with all the kids in martian and spacesuit costumes landing on the moon made of candy and sweets, and tapping to come together? And the robot tap shoes that went haywire?
"Well it's time to turn that frown upside-down! That's not a smile, that's an upside down frown! Work on that!" - Lil' Vicki
Posted by: Mark Allen | November 26, 2006 at 01:21 PM