To ring in the annual consumption season, WFMU has just added more goodies to our online store. If you missed out on some of our swag offerings from prior Marathons and kicked yourself for being such a dummy, now is your chance to finally acquire those coveted items once and for all.
New additions include our fabulous wall clock, stunning CD wallet, ginormous car magnet, and "Monkey Brain Tonic" t-shirt. If that credit card hasn't leapt out of your wallet yet, check out our stickers, live music CDs, fashionable t-shirts, and other random junk. Remember that WFMU paraphernalia always makes a good gift!
My FMU clock stopped working 2 weeks after I put it up on my wall. Actually, it still seems to be running, but the second hand refuses to pass the 49 minute mark. It's pretty tenacious's been trying to move forward for a whole month now, but I'm too cruel to open up the front of the thing and nudge it forward with my finger. I don't know why, but i find it kinda funny to have a WFMU clock on my wall that kinda-sorta-doesn't work. It's strangely endearing.
Posted by: Mel Matsuoka | December 01, 2006 at 02:02 AM
Are the little record-playing minivans available at the on-line store? (I didn't find them.) I always wanted me one of those. Missed my chance at record fairs past, and now due to the fairs' coinciding with my son's birthday, it makes it tricky to attend…
Posted by: Brian C. | December 01, 2006 at 01:39 PM
Hi Brian - email me (click my name) and I can hook you up with a Vinyl Killer.
Posted by: Megan | December 01, 2006 at 06:03 PM