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At WFMU's own tables on Sunday afternoon:
The Dead C's -The Damned- on CD, for a dollar (bought after Mr. Brian Turner himself recommended I buy it; thank you, sir!).
New reissue of Home and Garden's -History and Geography- for three dollars (with the new bonus tracks, this is almost everything the group recorded, on one disc - I was stunned that no one had picked this up by Sunday afternoon, especially for the price).
Two old issues of the excellent fanzine Scram for a dollar each.
This weekend, not at the WFMU Record Fair:
Copy of John Mendelssohn's excellent Kinks biography, Kinks Kronikles, for five dollars at a used book store. Out of print for about twenty years. Best book I've read about the Kinks (and, yep, as a Kinks fanatic, I've read quite a few).
Posted by: James | November 06, 2006 at 12:58 PM
Got a couple of great Soul Train DVDs, a prime time TV reference book for my encyclopedic needs, cheap CDs for gifts and had blast working the door and seeing my FMU peeps. Yes, that was Matt Dillon at the Fair.
Posted by: Krys O. | November 06, 2006 at 02:44 PM
Couldn't get this on the Blather Box, so here goes:
The Vote of An Outsider Madman
Copyright c 2006 John Trubee
2 days before elections yesterday on the radio
Senator Frist stated that if Democrats win
Families with incomes of $62,000
will see their taxes raised.
I am a workingman
I have struggled all my life.
Interminable tracts of anguished poverty
and soul-blasting unemployment
Have permanently altered my brain chemistry
into attitudes of rage against the masters
Taxes are withheld from my paycheck
I only count the money I have on Friday
Only the rich worry about taxes.
I deeply resent Senator Frist
Attempting to manipulate my vote
By punching my fear button
Appeals to greed
An overweening concern with pennies
All that is small and puny within me
I already voted weeks ago by absentee ballot
Against everyone and everything Senator Frist favors
I flung my completed ballot into the nearest mailbox
Within minutes of receiving it
In black rage against those I hate
In all my life struggles nobody listened
Nobody heard my cries or witnessed my travails
Caprices of business and the interests of the wealthy
Arrayed against me
Politicians and businessmen suck for power
Like vicious pimps
Not a statesman, philosopher, sage,
Or noble man among them
Let the rich and powerful fall
Let them gnash their teeth and grieve in impotent rage
For the loss of their high stations and gold
Now those truly deserving of such suffering
Are crying
For once.
Posted by: Krys O. | November 06, 2006 at 03:15 PM
I found Stephin Merritt in Downers Grove, IL. He was appearing at a Lemony Snicket book-signing event, where he was playing the ukulele and performing songs from that new Gothic Archies CD that was released about the same time as the final book in the Series of Unfortunate Events. I informed him that I am also a ukulele player, and he gave me an appropriate warning.
Posted by: jima | November 06, 2006 at 04:00 PM
I found a soundtrack for an old broadway show called "How To Steal An Election." Now when the GOP steals the election tomorrow, I will be all set for my Wednesday show...
Posted by: Station Manager Ken | November 06, 2006 at 04:09 PM
Oh, I saw Matt Dillon, too, and Tom Verlaine, of course.
I bought a hat and a skirt, for $3 each.
After the fair, I bought $50 worth of Koigu KPPPM yarn.
Posted by: zoe | November 06, 2006 at 04:17 PM
Couldn't make it.. Boohoo! Hope everything went splendid? Any photos?
Posted by: poesboes | November 06, 2006 at 04:20 PM
I found that it sux being housebound with an injury on a beautiful weekend with so much going on. Props to all the volunteers and Message Bd alum I didn't get to greet. Hope you guys gave the Bindlestiffs a warm welcome.
Posted by: Parq | November 06, 2006 at 04:36 PM
I found an Arnold Palmer 2 record set on golf instruction at the local church thrift store.
I found some nice free red oak pallets to cut up and keep the wood stove stoked up when it gets cold.
I found I should not criticize my wife's cooking if I won't do the cooking myself.
I found I can't watch any more TV without gagging the weekend before mid-term elections.
Posted by: Dale Hazelton | November 06, 2006 at 05:29 PM
...in the manner of Dale Hazelton...
I found that I should never try do do printing proofs at Kinkos.
I found that by screening that piece of crap "Serenity" for a midnight movie that it attracts a lot of dorks but not as many as I expected. The sci-fi dorks are at least better than the Rocky Horror dorks.
I found nothing exciting by excavating five years worth of living in my current apartment while cleaning and packing before my move. I was hoping for a long lost treasure.
Posted by: fatty jubbo | November 06, 2006 at 06:25 PM
smoking outside: While Bingo Gazingo gives an impromptu performance of a song about J. Lo to potential buyer of his CD, a passerby notices and says to his friend "Well, THIS must be where it is."
(She didn't buy the CD).
Posted by: sid bators | November 06, 2006 at 09:05 PM
I found out that Voiceprint Records has released #17 in Daevid Allen's Banana-moon Obscura CD series.....it's Guru & Zero "Beauty and The Basket Case"(Daevid Allen,Kawabata Makoto ,& Cotton Casino).
This sounds like the most fun release by this crew I've heard yet!It's from their first meetings.
I was partially responsible for this stuff,...in that I was one of the few "BBS posters" talking about wanting to hear what Gong and AMT would sound like together when Daevid dropped by the AMT BBS and read our posts and followed the fan's leads.
Please don't hate me for it...OK? Some Gong purists hate this stuff. Ahhh well...... I think it's pretty fun!
Posted by: Psychatrone | November 06, 2006 at 09:09 PM
Highlights of the finds:
1. CHUMBAWUMBA- "Readymades" CD
(one dollar, i think)
2. CHUMBAWUMBA_- "Tubthumper" CD (just $1)
(yes, it has that hit, "tubthumping")
3. FrontLine Assembly- "Artificial Soldier" CD
4. TOTALLY RE-WIRED volume 3
(these compilations are always excellent-
this one has the NEW JERSEY KINGS,
SNOWBOY, featuring Noel McKoy, )
5. MONO MEN- "wrecker" CD
(an Estrus Records wreck!)
6. King Black Acid & Womb Star Orchestra-
'Royal Subjects" CD (yep, it's music
from the film 'Zig-ZAg')
7. LITTLE FYODOR_-"Boyd Rice presents
Very Best of Little Fyodor's Greatest Hits"
(WFMU TABLE: where's my sleeve??).
Nothing more than 2 bucks !
I didn't spend a lot of time there this year, but did decorate some LP covers w/ my Daughter.
Posted by: listener mark caz | November 06, 2006 at 10:41 PM
Record fair was FUN as usual.
Saturday I worked it at the FMU LP and CD table.
Scored 2 CDs of the Thai Elephant Orchestra. I'm listening to them now. Fascinating and beautiful. I love elephants.
Got a Fats Waller LP from Frank O'Toole.
And a Boy Scouts shirt (with LOTS of badges and such) as well as a swell cowboy shirt with real cowboys on it.
Stared at the Merry-Go-Round like a slack-jawed yokel.
Saw all but the 1st 20 minutes of "We Jam Econo." Awesome! Reminded me of why "Double Nickels on the Dime" is one of MY favorite LPs of all time, too.
Hooray for the record fair.
Posted by: Cheese Snob Wendy | November 06, 2006 at 11:04 PM
got a beat-up old copy of an alan lomax-curated southern italy compilation that was worth the three bucks just for the unscratched cuts of sardinian vocal polyphony by village musicians.
got foetus inc.'s best work, the butterfly potion ep, at the fmu lp table while working there on sunday, then saw jim thirwell stop by to shop the table right afterwards.
trick to finding good international/world deals: look for the little sections of world/ethnic/international records at the tables that are filled with labels for every imaginable subdivision of "rock" -- a sure way to avoid the $15 folkways record
oh yes, i also found 2 records of german sea chanties (still sealed), nektar's remember the future, and klaatu's first album, among other things...
Posted by: dan bodah | November 07, 2006 at 02:59 AM
Wasn't able to make the fair (next year, damnit). But I did make a trip to Treehouse Records in Minneapolis. Here's what I found:
Roky Erickson & The Aliens - The Evil One - Awesome reissue from Sympathy, totally worth the $15 price tag. Extensive linear notes.
Big Star - 3rd - Another reissue! This one from 4Men with Beards, responsible for the Television reissues. Completes my collection.
John Cale - Vintage Violence - Best cheap pick. $5.
Posted by: Aaron Wilds | November 07, 2006 at 12:48 PM
--Got some Johnny Kidd & the Pirates, who wrote one of my fave R&R songs, "Shakin' All Over"
--A Harry Partch CD
--A Tomothy Leary CD
--Some Jamaican dub
--A Clash tribute CD
--Plus a WFMU tape of radio oddities
I was bummed about no live band karaoke this year, but a good time nevertheless.
Posted by: Johnny | November 07, 2006 at 02:44 PM
i tried to post amazing pictures from the fair above, but your comments page won't take my pictures so that's why my post looks stupid.
see my pics here: http://kohntarkosz.livejournal.com/
Posted by: larry | November 08, 2006 at 11:05 AM
Met up with my brother for our annual tradition and had a wickid good time. Not only did my brother snag the first grand price at the "Wheel" I was also lucky to pull down the first "Staff Stunt." HELLO BIG BUNNY!
Scored the following:
Island Records 40 year collection, volumn 2
Yonder Mountain String Band - Elevation
Folkways Recordings "Classic Maritime Music"!!!!
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
Manu Chao - Grandes Exitos
Also chatted up Dan Zanes!
Posted by: Jonnytb | November 08, 2006 at 05:09 PM