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November 30, 2006


Eduardo Bernal

CYTOMEL AND CYNOPLUS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Welcome to the Family! We invite you to visit us at and find our great medicine prices. We provide serious and first class service to all our customers 24/7. If we don’t carry a medicine you need just let us know and we will be more than glad to assist you! To show you our gratitude for past purchases and to offer you one more reason to continue purchasing with We are offering a limited time 30% discount include on all our medicines. We will keep on giving you the best price and service in the market. Welcome and enjoy your visit to


I could think of a cooler way to say this, but: Holy crap--that shit is smoking. Thanks for the heads-up.


This is one of my favorite bands ever...I can't BELIEVE they may be doing a tour...I also discovered them in the late 80's, and have turned many a human onto their fine soundz...Thanks for the writeup on one of the great last bands...


ONE NIGHT ONLY: Simply Saucer live in Hamilton! DECEMBER 28th! It's close to the American border, especially Buffalo.
First show in 27 years:

Gary Pig Gold

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