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November 17, 2006



You can't fully enjoy the Lenny and Sguiggy album without
the marvelous Lenny and Sguiggy full-color POSTER
that was included with the original album...grab it here:

Love, Lenny and Sguiggy - the Lenny and Squiggy Poster


I love "Squiggy's Wedding Day" from this album. Not only is it a catchy tune, but it's a pretty good comedy bit, with Squiggy dissing his buddy Lenny in favor of having pop culture icons at his wedding. Also gotta love his take on harmony: "all it is is singing the melody wrong!"


David St Hubbins, IMO.


interesting link as who's the drummer on this record, at least who's pictured as the drummer!


oh my god, i had this record when i was a kid! thank you for sharing this!

(maybe someday rhino will reissue their "world's worst records vol. ii" compilation on cd. the world needs to hear "foreign novelty smash" by the credibility gap)


I've been looking for this record for years. People never believe me about it's existence. Now if I can find some decent cover art.


I saw Lenny and the Squigtones perform "Creature Without a Head" on FERNWOOD 2-NIGHT (the MARY HARTMAN MARY HARTMAN spinoff Harry Shearer worked on) and, IIRC, WONDERAMA with Bob McAllister.

Here's hoping we eventually get a CD box set of Credibility Gap stuff -- they were contemporaries of the Firesign Theater/National Lampoon, and their comedy holds up 30+ years later.

Trivia: Michael McKean roomed with David L. Lander while attending Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. McKean transferred to NYU where he roomed with... Christopher Guest.

The Tod

Christopher Guest is on this record as "Nigel Tufnel"

Pedro Macaca

I bought this album new at the now-forgotten Korvettes department store chain. Michael McKean was an alum of my high school on Long Island and played a set at the school's 25th or 30th anniversary fiesta. I brought the poster along to have him sign it but I was too embarrassed to ask. He did say hi to me as he walked by. His mother used to work in the school library even after he graduated and the poor woman had to overhear all sorts of sad juvenile pervert humor.


Wow I can't believe I finally found some quality mp3s for this absolutely classic late-70's comedy album. I loved this when I was a kid and it is every bit as good now. This seriously does need a cleaned up CD release. I have a great quality scan of the front cover if anyone still reading this (old post, I know) wants or needs it. Stumbled upon it back in February.


Great savings by shopping at Collectors' Choice Music store.....!


Oh my god, I was begiining to think this was a figment of my imagination. How could the poetic ballad of "night after night" not go down as one of the best ever

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