AKA Rex's Top Ten.
1) Josh Alan Friedman - When Sex was Dirty (Feral House)
A welcome companion volume to Friedman's essential Tales From Times Square. More about the Duece and his days at Screw. Includes some valuable advice from a hooker to young customer: "Smile more. Square girls like guys who smile." Dig.
2) Cozy Corner BBQ - Memphis, TN
Of the many BBQ meals enjoyed in the land of Dewey Phillips, this may have been the best. The Smoked Cornish Hen and all-you-can-drink sweet tea was inspiring on several levels. Check out the BBQ Oral History Project.
3) The Wonderful World of Bill Ward, King of the Glamour Girls (Tashen Books)
Definitive anthology of Ward's Women: Towering, full-busomed amazons who despise the slimy, whimpering men who worship them. Has a permanent home on the Fur-lined Fallout Shelter coffee table. More here.
4) Pies & Thighs - Williamsburg, NY
Worthy Southern cuisine actually does exist above the Mason/Dixon. Be sure to indulge in the savory sides and solid baked goods while feasting on the pulled pork. http://www.piesandthighs.com/
5) Cool & The Crazy Record Store
As the record industry crumbles along comes this cozy independent store that boasts the biggest Blow Fly selection in the Western Hemisphere. There is hope for us all. http://www.cryptrecords.com/