Fans of Andy Kaufman might recall his patented "windmill punch" from his wrestling days, in which he whipped both his arms around non-stop, Pete-Townsend like. He claimed that nobody could touch him while he was "in the punch."
Hardcore dancing incorporated Andy's windmill punch into its roster of accepted dance moves long ago, but until I saw this video of the Pennsylvania harcore band cdc doing their song Crowd War, I didn't realize just how popular the Kaufman influence had become: download mpeg video, 10 megs, or youtube it. (The band cdc is not to be confused with the cult of the dead cow or the center for disease control).
The windmill and other hardcore dance moves were illustrated by the band Sick of it All in their great video Step Down: download mpeg video, 13 megs, or youtube it. To make the Sick of it All video even better, it's introduced by longtime Judson Fountain sidekick and Irwin Chusid pal Sandor Weisberger. Sick of It All made national radar in 1992 when a student wearing one of their T-shirts went on a murderous rampage at Simon's Rock College in Massachusetts. The band, and not the Windmill, were blamed for the deaths of two students.
Have you seen this one? Some fine examples of Andy Kaufman's legacy.
Posted by: Wheat | December 05, 2006 at 07:16 PM
Tony Clifton was at the Comedy Store doing windmill punches. Afterwards, he talked with Doobie McDonald about putting out an album. This is going to be interesting.
Posted by: GaryGygax | May 22, 2010 at 06:01 PM