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December 27, 2006


andrew jones

Tails Out by Otomo's New Jazz Quintent is also amazing. I might add some of Dasque Fuwara (name obviously mangled in half remembered translation) did a series of spirtual jazz big band recording complete with African wobblings ala Leon Thomas etc. that's totally amazing too.

Scott M

I'm a big fan of Tails Out as well, actually I love most of the Otomo that I've heard in various bands. Will need to check out Dasque Fuwara though -- from your desciption it is right up my alley.

Norton Zenger

Do you perhaps mean Daisuke Fuwa, leader of the phenomenal Shibusashirazu Orchestra?


Aficionados of Ornette Coleman, check this documentary out:

Ornette: Made in America. Taking "Skies of America" as a point of departure, independent filmmaker Shirley Clarke creates an unusual portrait.

Available as video on demand here:

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