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December 03, 2006



I always wished I could do that. Throw my voice that is, not grunt. :)


I wonder what it's from. Certainly not from Jimmy Nelson's Instant Ventriloquism LP in which his dummy Danny O'Day, in response to Jimmy saying he will teach you Ventriloquism with five easy steps, "Sheesh! You're drunk!"


Great Post. Check out


Any Chance we could get the rest of the file (lesson), or know where we can find it?

Dale Hazelton

I'd be happy to share the opening track of Danny O'Days album with anyone if I knew how to post the MP3...can I email it to Lukas?


I first heard this a few years ago but I don't remember where - and it *was* longer!


ah - there was a 15-minute version of this at sharpeworld but it's gone now.


Thanks for all the comments. Dale, I have the Jimmy Nelson album myself, but I don't think it compares at all in creepiness and weirdness. And Pat, thanks a lot for the Sharpeworld link, I tried digging it up with the Wayback Machine of, but the original link has disappeared into the voids of cyberspace, it seems. Apparently it was a 15 MB file "Throw Your Voice" by "Unknown", hosted on the now defunct site some time in 2002. If anyone has the full-length version, by all means leave a comment here, and I'll get in touch and upload it.

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